2. 실용적인 작업환경 확보 identify best work environment
스트레스 최소화
3. 일정 작성 schedule everything
매일 일정 작성
to do list: email, call, lunch, tec.
잊지 않음
4. 쉬기 take breaks
잠시나마 쉬기: 동네 산책, 사설읽기 등
take care of and improve self
doing something for 30 days
Starbucks & homemade sandwich
meeting new people
achieving short and long term goals
all i want right now is
1) being fit
2) graduate school
being afraid to try - kept me away from many things for long. learning from lessons, moving forward.
May - intern, application
June - submit all application, Move
July - work
August - work
September - work
October - work, INTERVIEW
January -
February - interview
March - interview
acknowledge achievements, plan progress
my poor body. i have not moved you in four weeks. though the positive change is there and evident, it is not be complete.
- lost 7 lbs
- solid 3 meal pattern
- yoga ball sitting, posture: solid back muscle yay!
- consumption from hunger not boredom
needed progress
- loose 5 lbs
- eliminate post dinner dessert
- good dinner routine
- posture: sit straight, uncurl legs, stand more, walk with spine straight
- squats
art of writing
write more - remember the love, the passion. fingers with wings, the inevitable pieces.
- have topic
- 1 article / day
succinct, clarity, devotion, dedication, flawless, effortless. beautiful.
art of shaving
rather excessive move .. something i want badly but cannot achieve alone, or could i? the possibility is not supported by facts nor history. giving of power, should not be feared. reminded of Karma, what i was given and what i will give .. are equal in terms.
annoyances i find in other people, thus must eliminate from self
- hasty movements
- fidgeting
- lip biting, nail picking
- uncombed hair
attractiveness i find in other people, thus must implant in self
- comfortable with self
- moderate speed, crystal clear and cohesive speech
- soft and constant smile
- long hair
- chewing slowly without doing other things while eating
- black tight cotton spandex shirts
- saying thank you so or very much
- eye contact
- clear eyes
- black leather sandals
- soft soap scent
- confidence
- excellent posture
- drive, motivation
- organized, keen to detail
- sharing my ideas and details of work
- grey, black, white/black stripped sweat clothes
parents have been pending me on home-visit update. i have been avoiding. finally couraged up to tell mom i will be staying in Seattle for a while; finish applications and work. she said she knew. of course, she knew. 어서 가족이 만나지 못하여 아쉽다고 하셨지만 웃으며 건강과 몸을 챙기라고 당부해주셨다. 엄마는 이미 알고 있었다. 이전에도 이미 원하는 것을 편안히 솔직히 이야기하라고 기회를 주신 적이 있었고 나의 확신이 부족하여 지금까지 미루어왔지만 이제야 확신이 선다. 엄마가 원한, the other option 의 가치가 컸던만큼 나의 선택이 무거워진 것이 사실이다.
male persons
Korean, English and Language
loosing Korean cohesion from using much English throughout work and daily coordination. 한글이 어려워지고있다. 지금 이 문장을 적는데에도 영어는 실수 없이 진행되는 반면 한글은 지우고 다시 생각하고 수십초의 시간소요. 글을 쓰는 과정은 그렇다 하더라도 대화 중에 있어 한글실력저하는 민망하다. 노력해야 할 사항. 한글 책과 기사를 보다 읽어야겠다. 한국 뉴스와 podcast 를 듣기 시작.
반면에 영어가 늘었다. 물론 학교에서도 영어를 꾸준히 사용하지만 책을 읽고 글을 쓰는 문적인 성향보다 직업상에서는 구어적으로 영어를 사용하는 경우가 늘어 일상 및 공적 대화능력이 늘고있다. 좋은 현상. 대체로 만족 스러움.
favorites of Spring 2013
Pod cast - Savage Lovecast
Tart - BB cream
Tiffany & Co. - silver square ring
Starbucks - Spinach feta wrap
new Google+
Dolce & Gabbana - light blue
Huffintonpost live
Downton Abbey
Bus rides home with Mantra Roy Dr.
Standing tables
Vancouver B.C.
Canlis on Queen Anne - Thom Yorke
Maneki - Miso glazed black Cod
Zazzle - Monet iPhone case
iPad mini
Amazon instant video stream
Texting with Albert
Neil Barofsky - Bailout
Time Magazine - Joel Stein
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