워싱턴 대학교(영어: University of Washington,줄여서 UW)는 미국 워싱턴주 시애틀에 있는 주립 대학이다. 캠퍼스의 크기는 약 2.845㎢이며 그 안에 기숙사를 포함한 213개 동의 건물이 있다. 현재 구글, 마이크로소프트, 애플의 본거지인만큼 세계 내 IT계열로 강한 대학으로 손꼽힌다. 특히 시애틀 출신인 빌 게이츠는 지금까지 매년 워싱턴 대학교에 기부 중이다. 워싱턴 대학교는 미국 북서부 지방에서 가장 큰 규모의 대학이며, 미국 서부지방에서는 가장 오래된 대학이기도 하다. 오래되고 이름난 대학인만큼 교정도 고풍스럽고 아름다워 영화 해리 포터 개봉이후 호그와트처럼 웅장하고 눈부시다며 미국의 호그와트라고도 불린다. 보통 줄여서 UW (U-Dub:유덥으로 발음) 이라고 부른다. 시애틀의 번화가(Downtown) 에서 약 5마일 떨어져 있다. 학생들의 학교 만족도는 높으며 다른 주립대학들과 비교했을 때 학비가 비싼 편에 속한다.
메인 캠퍼스인 시애틀 (Seattle) 캠퍼스 외에도 타코마 (Tacoma), 바슬 (Bothell) 캠퍼스가 있다. 페이지에 기재된 워싱턴 대학교의 순위는 시애틀 캠퍼스 기준이다. 2011년, Academic Ranking of World Universities 는 워싱턴 대학교를 세계 16위에 꼽았다.[1] 임상의학대학원, 약리학 에 대해 세계 3위를 차지하였다.[2]
2014년 가을에 입학할 신입생의 경우 지원자 58%인 24,540명이 합격했으며 신입생들의 평균 대학수학능력시험SAT 성적은 2400만점에 1883점이었다.[3]
지금까지 총 12명의 노벨상 수상자, 13명의 퓰리처상 수상자, 1명의 필즈상 수상자를 배출했다.
2014년에 미국내 권위적인 US News & World Report에 의하면 조지워싱턴대학교, 오하이오 주립대, 투레인 대학교, 그리고 텍사스 주립대와 함께 미국내에서 공동으로 52위를 기록하였
2012년에는 영국 타임스 지가 선정한 세계대학랭킹 중 25위를 차지하였다.[5]
2012년에는 매년 미국 국내 대학 순위를 발표하는 시사 주간지 US News & World Report에서 의과대학원의 일차진료(Primary Care) 관련하여 미국내 1위를 차지하였다.[6]
University of Washington
School of Pharmacy
Mission & Vision
Foundation and Values
The School of Pharmacy is an inclusive community that fosters an environment supportive of advancing our goals and enabling us to take active roles in regional and global initiatives relating to our overall mission. We are committed to a culture that is open, ethical, and collaborative, embraces excellence, respects diversity of thought, and encourages diversity among its faculty, staff and students.
School Vision
To be recognized nationally and internationally as a leader in pharmacy education, research and service that partners effectively with others to promote the discovery, development and appropriate use of medications for the welfare and safety of the public.
Mission Statement
Instructional: We educate student pharmacists to work in partnership with other health professionals to provide accessible, compassionate, and integrative pharmaceutical care with the goal of enhancing patient outcomes. In addition, we provide high quality graduate and post-graduate education tailored to foundational and advanced training in the pharmaceutical, clinical and health outcomes sciences.
Research and Discovery: We provide scientific leadership through development of innovative research programs in the biomedical sciences, conduct basic, translational and outcomes research, and make informed decisions at preclinical, clinical and post-approval stages of drug discovery, development and implementation.
Service: We serve patients and the wider community as committed and compassionate leaders in the use of our knowledge and discoveries to help develop and disseminate solutions to complex healthcare problems and promote the health and well-being of regional, national and global populations.
Educational Philosophy Statement
The goal of the PharmD program is to ensure our graduates possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to render care in an evolving health care system. Our educational experiences are designed to provide a strong foundation in the biomedical, socio-behavioral, administrative, clinical, and pharmaceutical sciences, a heightened understanding of the economic, cultural and social issues affecting patients and health care delivery, and the ability to apply this knowledge in collaboration with others to further practice, education, and research. Students are also encouraged, through professional and community outreach activities, to develop and incorporate new practices that enhance public health, systems management, and patient-centered care in diverse populations and settings.
Strategic Plan
The School of Pharmacy 2010 Strategic Plan addresses the instructional, research and service missions of the School. Because these missions are highly interrelated, there is a unifying focus of the strategic plan: to promote “the safe, rational and cost-effective use of pharmaceuticals in patients and populations.” Read the Strategic Plan (PDF).
At the University of Washington School of Pharmacy, we are committed to educating the next generation of leaders in pharmacy, pharmaceutical research and health care — while seeking to ensure the safe, rational and cost-effective use of medicines. View a PDF of our Facts and Highlights.
- Instructional: We educate student pharmacists to work in partnership with other health professionals to provide accessible, compassionate, and integrative pharmaceutical care with the goal of enhancing patient outcomes. In addition, we provide high quality graduate and post-graduate education tailored to foundational and advanced training in the pharmaceutical, clinical and health outcomes sciences.
- Research and Discovery: We provide scientific leadership through development of innovative research programs in the biomedical sciences, conduct basic, translational and outcomes research, and make informed decisions at preclinical, clinical and post-approval stages of drug discovery, development and implementation.
- Service: We serve patients and the wider community as committed and compassionate leaders in the use of our knowledge and discoveries to help develop and disseminate solutions to complex healthcare problems and promote the health and well-being of regional, national and global populations.
PharmD Students: 381
PhD Students: 59
MS Students: 40
PharmD Student Demographics & Statistics:
American Indian/Native Alaskan: 1%
Asian, Pacific Islander & Hawaiian: 53%
Black 1%
Hispanic 3%
White 36%
Other: 4%
Female: 64%
Male: 36%
The North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) pass rate for 2013 PharmD graduates who took the exam in 2013 was 100%.
The Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) pass rate for 2013 was 93.55%.
The on-time graduation rate for the Class of 2013 was 88%.
More than 34 percent of PharmD graduates from the class of 2014 have been selected for PGY1 residencies, fellowships or other postgraduate opportunities.
Under the leadership of Dean Thomas A. Baillie, PhD, DSc, the School of Pharmacy has 42 full-time equivalent faculty members. The following departments and programs are each centers of excellence in their own right:
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Conducting research in drug metabolism, bio-analytical chemistry and the biophysical characterization of viral protein assembly
Chair: Allan E. Rettie, PhD
Department of Pharmaceutics
Conducting research in pharmacokinetics and drug disposition
Chair: Kenneth E. Thummel, PhD
Department of Pharmacy
Leading in pharmacy education, research, and professional and outreach initiatives
Chair: Peggy S. Odegard, PharmD
Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research & Policy Program
Conducting research in pharmaceutical economics, drug safety and pharmaceutical policy
Director: Sean D. Sullivan, PhD
- We are the No. 10 ranked pharmacy school in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report.
- Faculty secured more than $14 million in overall research funding in fiscal year 2013.
- In fiscal year 2012, we received $9.1 million in National Institutes of Health grant funding.
Professional Degree: Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
Master of Science (MS): Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research & Policy Program (PORPP), Pharmaceutics, Professional MS in Biomedical Regulatory Affairs
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, PORPP
Concurrent Degrees: PharmD/Physician Assistant, PharmD/MS, PharmD/PhD
Certificate Programs: Biomedical Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Trials, Comparative Effectiveness Research, Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Plein Certificate in Geriatric Pharmacy
Residency Programs: Ambulatory Care, Community Pharmacy, Critical Care, General Residency, Oncology, Pharmacy Management/Master of Health Administration
- Faculty hold leadership roles in associations including the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), American Chemical Society, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) and the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics.
- Recent faculty honors include an AAPS Research Achievement in Biotechnology Award, an AAPS Research Achievement in Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Drug Metabolism Award, an Early Career Achievement Award from ASPET, and an American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Distinguished Nutrition Support Pharmacist Service Award.
- Recent student honors include two UW Thomas Francis, Jr., Global Health Fellowships, an ISPOR Distinguished Service Award, and a Chapter Achievement Award for our student chapter of the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists.
- Analytical Biopharmacy Core
- Bracken Pharmacy Learning Center
- DNA Sequencing and Gene Analysis Center
- Mass Spectrometry Center
- Metabolism and Transport Drug Interaction Database
- Northwest-Alaska Pharmacogenomics Research Network
- Pharmacokinetics Lab
- UW Obstetric-Fetal Pharmacology Research Unit
- UW Pharmacy Cares Consulting Pharmacy
- UW Research Affiliates Program on Transporters
![FY2013 revenue for web](http://sop.washington.edu/images/stories/school_of_pharmacy/front_page/FY2013_revenue_for_web.jpg)
- The School (then College) of Pharmacy was founded in 1894 as the third college at the UW.
- Louis D. Bracken, the inventor of the original “Blistex” lip ointment, attended the College of Pharmacy in 1912 and 1913.
- Bill Stavropoulos, PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, ’67, served as president, COO and chairman of Dow Chemical Company.
- George Bartell, Jr., ’53, was the president and CEO of Bartell Drugs for 44 years. Bartell was the son of the founder of the family-owned drug store chain, which is the nation’s oldest.
- Impel NeuroPharma, a company seeking to enable drugs to bypass the blood-brain barrier, was co-founded in 2008 by Professor of Pharmaceutics Rodney Ho and John Hoekman, PhD, ’10.
- UW Pharmacy Cares, founded at the School of Pharmacy in 2008, was the first ever non-dispensing, medication-therapy-management-focused pharmacy licensed in the state of Washington.
University of Washington School of Pharmacy's Doctor of Pharmacy programis accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, 135 South LaSalle Street, Suite 4100, Chicago, IL 60503, 312-664-3575, FAX 312-664-4652,www.acpe-accredit.org.