'문구'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2011.11.26 Arthur Schopenhauer 쇼펜하우어 quotes
  2. 2011.04.02 quote bits 3

Arthur Schopenhauer (22 February 1788 – 21 September 1860)

It is the courage to make a clean breast of it in the face of every question that makes the philosopher. He must be like Sophocles' Oedipus, who, seeking enlightenment concerning his terrible fate, pursues his indefatigable inquiry even though he divines that appalling horror awaits him in the answer. But most of us carry with us the Jocasta in our hearts, who begs Oedipus, for God's sake, not to inquire further.
Letter to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (November 1819)

Correct and accurate conclusions may be arrived at if we carefully observe the relation of the spheres of concepts, and only conclude that one sphere is contained in a third sphere, when we have clearly seen that this first sphere is contained in a second, which in its turn is contained in the third. On the other hand, the art of sophistry lies in casting only a superficial glance at the relations of the spheres of the concepts, and then manipulating these relations to suit our purposes, generally in the following way: — When the sphere of an observed concept lies partly within that of another concept, and partly within a third altogether different sphere, we treat it as if it lay entirely within the one or the other, as may suit our purpose.
The World as Will and Representation (1819; 1844) Vol. I, Ch. 10, as translated by R. B. Haldane

Reason is feminine in nature; it can only give after it has received. Of itself it has nothing but the empty forms of its operation. There is no absolutely pure rational knowledge except the four principles to which I have attributed metalogical truth; the principles of identity, contradiction, excluded middle, and sufficient reason of knowledge. For even the rest of logic is not absolutely pure rational knowledge. It presupposes the relations and the combinations of the spheres of concepts. But concepts in general only exist after experience of ideas of perception, and as their whole nature consists in their relation to these, it is clear that they presuppose them.
The World as Will and Representation (1819; 1844) Vol. I, Ch. 10, as translated by R. B. Haldane

The cheapest form of pride however is national pride. For it betrays in the one thus afflicted the lack of individual qualities of which he could be proud, while he would not otherwise reach for what he shares with so many millions. He who possesses significant personal merits will rather recognise the defects of his own nation, as he has them constantly before his eyes, most clearly. But that poor beggar who has nothing in the world of which he can be proud, latches onto the last means of being proud, the nation to which he belongs to. Thus he recovers and is now in gratitude ready to defend with hands and feet all errors and follies which are its own.
Parerga and Paralipomena (1851) Kap. II

How very paltry and limited the normal human intellect is, and how little lucidity there is in the human consciousness, may be judged from the fact that, despite the ephemeral brevity of human life, the uncertainty of our existence and the countless enigmas which press upon us from all sides, everyone does not continually and ceaselessly philosophize, but that only the rarest of exceptions do.
Counsels and Maxims Vol. 2, Ch. 3, § 39

The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice.
Counsels and Maxims Vol. 2, Ch. 1, § 17

As the biggest library if it is in disorder is not as useful as a small but well-arranged one, so you may accumulate a vast amount of knowledge but it will be of far less value to you than a much smaller amount if you have not thought it over for yourself; because only through ordering what you know by comparing every truth with every other truth can you take complete possession of your knowledge and get it into your power. You can think about only what you know, so you ought to learn something; on the other hand, you can know only what you have thought about.
Counsels and Maxims Vol. 2, Ch. 22, § 257 "On Thinking for Yourself" as translated in Essays and Aphorisms(1970) as translated by R. J. Hollingdale 

Reading is merely a surrogate for thinking for yourself; it means letting someone else direct your thoughts. Many books, moreover, serve merely to show how many ways there are of being wrong, and how far astray you yourself would go if you followed their guidance. You should read only when your own thoughts dry up, which will of course happen frequently enough even to the best heads; but to banish your own thoughts so as to take up a book is a sin against the holy ghost; it is like deserting untrammeled nature to look at a herbarium or engravings of landscapes.
Counsels and Maxims Vol. 2, Ch. 22, § 261

Truth that has been merely learned is like an artificial limb, a false tooth, a waxen nose; at best, like a nose made out of another's flesh; it adheres to us only ‘because it is put on. But truth acquired by thinking of our own is like a natural limb; it alone really belongs to us. This is the fundamental difference between the thinker and the mere man of learning. The intellectual attainments of a man who thinks for himself resemble a fine painting, where the light and shade are correct, the tone sustained, the colour perfectly harmonised; it is true to life. On the other hand, the intellectual attainments of the mere man of learning are like a large palette, full of all sorts of colours, which at most are systematically arranged, but devoid of harmony, connection and meaning.
Counsels and Maxims Vol. 2, Ch. 22, § 261

Talent works for money and fame; the motive which moves genius to productivity is, on the other hand, less easy to determine. It isn’t money, for genius seldom gets any. It isn’t fame: fame is too uncertain and, more closely considered, of too little worth. Nor is it strictly for its own pleasure, for the great exertion involved almost outweighs the pleasure. It is rather an instinct of a unique sort by virtue of which the individual possessed of genius is impelled to express what he has seen and felt in enduring works without being conscious of any further motivation. It takes place, by and large, with the same sort of necessity as a tree brings forth fruit, and demands of the world no more than a soil on which the individual can flourish.
Counsels and Maxims Vol. 2 "On the Suffering of the World" as translated in Essays and Aphorisms (1970), as translated by R. J. Hollingdale

Writers may be classified as meteors, planets, and fixed stars. A meteor makes a striking effect for a moment. You look up and cry “There!” and it is gone forever. Planets and wandering stars last a much longer time. They often outshine the fixed stars and are confounded by them by the inexperienced; but this only because they are near. It is not long before they must yield their place; nay, the light they give is reflected only, and the sphere of their influence is confined to their orbit — their contemporaries. Their path is one of change and movement, and with the circuit of a few years their tale is told. Fixed stars are the only ones that are constant; their position in the firmament is secure; they shine with a light of their own; their effect today is the same as it was yesterday, because, having no parallax, their appearance does not alter with a difference in our standpoint. They belong not to one system, one nation only, but to the universe. And just because they are so very far away, it is usually many years before their light is visible to the inhabitants of this earth.
Counsels and Maxims Vol. 2 "The Art of Literature" as translated in Essays and Aphorisms (1970), as translated by R. J. Hollingdale

A man of intellect is like an artist who gives a concert without any help from anyone else, playing on a single instrument — a piano, say, which is a little orchestra in itself. Such a man is a little world in himself; and the effect produced by various instruments together, he produces single-handed, in the unity of his own consciousness. Like the piano, he has no place in a symphony; he is a soloist and performs by himself — in soli tude, it may be; or if in the company with other instruments, only as principal; or for setting the tone, as in singing.
Counsels and Maxims

Philosophy ... is a science, and as such has no articles of faith; accordingly, in it nothing can be assumed as existing except what is either positively given empirically, or demonstrated through indubitable conclusions.
Parerga and Paralipomena (1851) Vol I

Spinoza says that if a stone which has been projected through the air, had consciousness, it would believe that it was moving of its own free will. I add this only, that the stone would be right. The impulse given it is for the stone what the motive is for me, and what in the case of the stone appears as cohesion, gravitation, rigidity, is in its inner nature the same as that which I recognise in myself as will, and what the stone also, if knowledge were given to it, would recognise as will.


Posted by water_

meet me at four, am
sometimes i imagine you here, often, very, allthetime
loosing balance for love is balance
let love love
세상은 식후 가장 아름답다
"we were close, that's hard to come by" (Mother and Child)
"I was hiding under your porch because I love you; can I stay?" (Up)
I think it's the berries!
하나를 얻으면 하나를 잃을 것이고, 하나를 잃으면 하나를 얻을 것이니 equilibrium에 모든 것을 맡기고 마음을 놓자 -
forget everything 다 잊기, 기억 제로, 리셋 무
부족 할 수록, 가질 수 없을 수록 달콤타
You're my favorite - 네가 가장 좋아
솔직히. . 참외 먹고싶다
안되겠다 - 다시는 안되
사랑을 위해 균형을 잃음은, 균형된 삶임을
한 사람을 구함은, 세상을 구함이다 (Schindler's List)
하나의 선량한 죽음은 정의의 죽음이다 (My Name is Khan)
낭만 浪漫 물결 랑, 흩어질 만
giving up for - 위한 희생
죄는 용서 받더라도, 벌은 면하지 못하리
어디로든 갈래, 나 어디로, 이 곳은, 이 곳은 아니야 (Hey Come)
절 데려가 줘요, 절 데려가 줘요, 절 데려가 줘요 (Pan's Labyrinth)
나의 슬픔은 너의 것보다 크지도 작지도
카페 안에서 기다리던 그대 (비가)
가위에 파썰리는 소리
간장타는 냄새
Oh sun of spring where art though, the clouds are in attempt of my murder
어떠한 갈등도 하기 싫은 쪽을 택하면 후회가 덜합디다 (탁현민)
Only thing that matters is the writing itself, everything else is literature (Total Eclipse)
...it's the sun mingled, with the sea (Total Eclipse)
No one will be able to touch me, the master of silence (Total Eclipse)
Your mind is almost as ugly as your body (Total Eclipse)
Listening to rain rain 비가 비를 내리는 소리
Rain dripping me a lullaby
Goodnight world, wait for me at tomorrow
특별히 행복했기에 돌아가고싶은건 아니, 그저 내가 아는 이 곳이 아닌 곳은 기억 뿐이어서
불면, 잠을 자야한다는 인식을 버리니 벽이 무너지고 바다가 보였
달이 별을 아끼 듯
All is well (3 Idiots)
위기는 사실상 새로운 물리학의 징조임으로 물리학자들은 긴장하면서도 내심 그 위기를 반긴다. 위기를 해결하는 방법은 반드시 있음으로 그 해결 방법에 따라 새로운 물리학의 지평이 열리기 때문이다 (String Cosmos 남순건)
"i evolved" is biologically inaccurate wording
Not so much insane, simply more so blind
다 놓기, 감정 관념 기준 사람 의무 다 다 다 다 놓음, 오늘 하루 숨 만 쉬리, 휘 휴 휘 휴
Jamba Juice at Starbucks, political move of the day

쌓는 과정은 수고, 무너짐은 한 순간
나의 원동력
노아의 방주
밤에 쉬도록 낮에 공부

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Posted by water_