태양을 그야말로 '스쳐지나가는' ! 굉장함을 보여주는 혜성 Lovejoy
Comet Lovejoy survives its encounter with the sun. The comet is seen here exiting from behind the right side of the sun, after an hour of travel through its closest approach to the sun. By tracking how the comet interacts with the sun's atmosphere, the corona, and how material from the tail moves along the sun's magnetic field lines, solar scientists hope to learn more about the corona. This movie was filmed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in 171 Angstrom wavelength, which is typically shown in yellow. Credit: NASA/SDO
태양의 코로나를 지나 살아나온 혜성 Lovejoy. 예성 핵의 지름을 100 - 200 m 로 예상 했으나, perihelion 근일점 이후 핵의 지름이 이보다 큰 500 m 정도라고 예상 됨. 상당히 밝음 - 금성의 밝기와 유사.
C/2011 W3 (Lovejoy) is a periodic comet, classified as a Kreutz Sungrazer. It was discovered on 27 November 2011, by amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy.[2] The comet's periheliontook it through the Sun's corona on 16 December 2011 at 00:35 UTC,[1] as it passed approximately 140,000 kilometres (87,000 mi) above the Sun's surface.[3] It was not expected to survive the encounter, but the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), as well as other Sun-monitoring spacecraft, observed the comet emerge from the corona intact.[4][5][6]
Before perihelion, the comet nucleus of Lovejoy was estimated to be between 100 and 200 metres (330 and 660 ft) in diameter, but after surviving perihelion it has been estimated that the nucleus was larger, as much as 500 m (1,600 ft) before the passage through the corona.[6] At its brightest the comet had an apparent magnitude of around –4[7] (about as bright as the planet Venus). It is the brightest sungrazing comet ever observed by SOHO,[8]

STEREO-A sequence of Comet Lovejoy approaching the Sun
태양을 향하는 Comet Lovejoy

SDO witnesses Comet Lovejoy survive the Sun's corona
태양의 코로나를 살아 통과한 ! Comet Lovejoy

ISS030-E-015479 (22 Dec. 2011) --- Comet Lovejoy is visible near Earth’s horizon in this nighttime image photographed by NASA astronaut Dan Burbank, Expedition 30 commander, onboard the International Space Station on Dec. 22, 201
태양에 가까워지는 Comet 혜성 Lovejoy

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