no time to elaborate - but wanted to write down some recent thoughts i've been having. shall return to write further for i must run to class at the moment.

time management / study / exercise / entertainment 
slept 12.5 hours last night. regardless not refreshed. feel the need to exercise yet cannot find the time between class, personal interests, and time with friends. for sure majority of time is spent on classes. a smaller portion on personal interests (web-surf, research, twitter, google+. approx 2-3hr/day). a smaller portion spent towards meeting with friends (approx 12-24hr/wk). (perhaps graph this if i have time, ha!) 
in short, need more time .. which is impossible, thus need to devise elaborate time-management method. 

home / location - dependence on family / friends / Seattle
Seattle is such a controversial location (personally). think over its pros and cons constantly throughout my days and weeks. more time spent in seattle, more i grow fond of as well as despise it. possibility of moving elsewhere is slim and less favorable. however inquiries and curiosities remain as significant. 

school / work
years of school remaining. school in comparison to career-central lifestyle. feel as if work is more attractive than it has been in my previous years. possibility of finding job after undergraduate studies has been introduced. 
school has been growing towards the positive. class materials are intriguing. physical and systematic maintenance continues to be disappointing, yet need more research on this part. 

food / restaurant eating / farmer's markets 
reduced restaurant eating significantly compared to previous school quarter. however feel the need to cut down even more so. 

usage of electricity in personal space. making the most usage of public electricity and energy. in example, usage of library electronics, lights, and heating rather than in personal space.  

remember the ones i love, the ones i am grateful for, the beautiful day, and the amazing opportunities near me. remember to be thankful and appreciative of the people and my church, of my education and nearing gardents, of the soils and sunlights, the winds below and above me, the ones i notice and fail to notice, the practices of people and our system - regardless of my feelings, appreciate them all for the sake of their being.
remember to be simple, always.

it is now near end of the day, and am feeling more so at ease than earlier. got through the day without any complication. schedules finished rather soon, near 4 pm. got home before sundown. organized lecture printouts. sprout soup dinner and honey on toast with irish breakfast tea dessert. one quiz tomorrow possibly two. three plans for the weekend at three different locations. been biting my lips to extreme extents .. must stop, difficult. 
breathing gets troublesome from time to time, but all is assured to be completely fine. 

Posted by water_