15 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Happier

Anyone can feel happier. It's easy. Science says so
Forget success. Forget fame. Forget fortune.
Happiness is somethingeveryone wants, and wants to feel a lot more often–because where happiness is concerned, too much is never enough.
Unfortunately we all have a hereditary “happiness set point.” That means approximately 50% of our happiness is outside of our control. But that means 50% of our level of happiness is totally within our control.
So even if you’re genetically disposed to be somewhat gloomy, you can still do things to make yourself a lot happier. (Choosing not to do certain things will make you happier, too.)
So doesn’t it make sense to create habits and build a lifestyle that allows you to feel more satisfied and more fulfilled?
Check out this infographic on the science of happiness fromHappify…and start making changes that will make you feel a lot happier.

This post is in partnership with Inc., which offers useful advice, resources and insights to entrepreneurs and business owners. The article above was originally published at Inc.com.
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