'yogini'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2011.07.05 Yoga 요가 - 육체적 정신적 균형 , yogini 되기

요가를 등록했음. 따라서 공부를 좀 해보겠음. 내일부터 수업임.... 후후 후기가 길어 질 것 같은 학원임 하하. 나를 보고 여러 각도에서 바라보면 답을 찾을 수 있을거라며 ....... 알 수 없는 소리를 한참 하심. 학교며 전공이며 질문이 많으신 강사분. 이상할지 재미있을지는 두고보아야 할 일 , 딱히 중요한 부분은 아님. 요가를 잘 하셨으면 좋겠음. i shall be a yogini !

physical, mental, spiritual disciplins
originates in ancient india
goal: attainment of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility
Hindu philosophy - 'yoga' refers to one of the schools of philosophy
also influential in buddhism and jainism
Bhakti yoga - path of love and devotion
Karma yoga - path of right action
Raja yoga - path of meditation
Jnana yoga - path of wisdom

'complete knowledge for long life'
traditional native Indian medicine
Sanskrit - longeviy
Veda - relating to knowledge , science
five elements: Devanagari , compose the universe including human body
Prithvi - earth
Jala - water
Agni - fire
Vaayu - air
Akasha - ether
healthful living during entire span of life and its various phases
stresses balance of three elemental energies or humors
vata - air, space, wind
pittha - fire, water, bile
kapha - water, earth phlegm
significance in balance and hygiene

'the eternal law that sustains, upholds, surely preserves'
grants absolute and complete freedom of belief and worship
conceives world as single family whom defies one truth
thus accepts all forms of belief and dimisses labels of distinct religions which imply division of identity
devoid of concepts of apostasy , heresy, blasphemy
Dhama - ethics. duties
Samsara - continuing cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth
Karma - acation and subsequent reaction
Moksha - liberation from samsara
atman: spirit, soul, or the true 'self' of every person
commonly believed atman is eternal

Om or Aum
the sacred and mystical syllable in Dharma or Indian religions - Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism
consists of three syllables
vaishvanara - beginning
hiranyagarbha - duration
iswara - dissolutiion of the universe and associated gods brahma , vishnu , shiva
pronounced aaa ooooo mmmmm

자료 from wikipedia
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