ellie growth and development
6 lb 13.5 oz 34 percentile
7 lb 8 oz 44 percentile
20.5" 82 percentile
BMI 14.91 38 percentile
11 lb 3.5 oz 68 percentile
23" 90 percentile
head cercumferencer 36.8 cm 25 percentile
2/4/2020 3.5 months
BMI 16.70 53 percentile
14 lb 13.5 oz 73 percentile
height 25" 84 percentile
head circumference 40 cm 43 percentile
- has 2 teeth
4/16/2020 6 months
BMI 16.21 32 percentile
16 lb 3 oz 51 percentile
height 26.5" 74 percentile
head circumference 42.5 cm 58 percentile
- sitting
- scooting on tummy
- grab and standing
- eating solids / snacks
- walker
6/9/2020 7.5 months
- crawling
- standing alone 1-2 seconds
- eating solids well, e.g. chunks of banana
- sleeping 2 naps / day
- says 엄~마 엄~마 when crying - _- <3 cutie
7/8/2020 8.5 months
- smiles alot, laughs when tickled, massaged, scooted in laundry basket
- standing alone 10 seconds
- eating lots fruits, veggies, purees, egg bread
- sleeping 2 naps / day 1-4 hours total
- says 엄마 아빠 <3
7/30/2020 9.5 months
BMI 16.39 42 percentile
18 lb 4.5 oz 47 percentile
height 28" 54 percentile
head circumference 66 percentile
10/20/2020 12 months
20 lbs 3.2 oz 56 %
height 29.5' 60 %
head circumference 44.9 cm 48%
walks around all day
plays at the playground
understands lots of words / phrases
- 주세요, 가져와, 장난감 저기에 넣어주세요, 문 닫아주세요, 산책가자, 어디있지, 찾았다, 기저귀 주세요
- 표범, 곰돌이, 허스키, 자동차, 우유, 물
- 허그, 뽀뽀, 도리도리, 예쁜 짓, 만세, 엘리 배가 통통해
- 아야아야아야,
- 엄마, 아빠