breastfeeding notes
colostrum 초유
Colostrum is a breast fluid produced by humans, cows, and other mammals before breast milk is released.
It’s very nutritious and contains high levels of antibodies, which are proteins that fight infections and bacteria.
Colostrum promotes growth and health in infants and newborn animals, but research shows that taking bovine colostrum supplements may promote immunity, help fight infections, and improve gut health throughout life.
how to know baby is getting enough milk
1. weight gain
2. 6-8 wet daiper / day
- 6 to 8 weeks need at least 1 poop / day
should start pumping within 1 hour after birth; or as soon as medically able
hand expression
How to Hand Express Breast Milk: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Article Summary To express your own breast milk by hand, position your fingers over the milk reservoirs on your breast by making your hand into a “C” above or below your nipple. With your hand in this position, apply gentle pressure inward toward your ches
weigh the baby once daily
weight loss is expected right after birth (should be <10% weight loss)
brown fat
10% of birth weight - for babies to burn through to maintain baby until mom's milk starts to flow
breastfeeding should not be painful
if hurting
1. problem with latch
2. possible tongue tie
could be soar, BUT should NOT be cracked, bleeding, blistered, bruising
scheduled feeding
wake up baby minimum every 2 hours to eat but if baby wants to eat more frequent - let babies eat
babies do not just eat for nutrient; it comforts, sooths, satisfies baby's need "non nutritive sucking"
don't need to put baby on a schedule
lip and tongue tie