eventful happies of the early spring
kakaoed photo of the ring to all in korea and across the country for friends and chang jun. realizing once again the step we are taking. feels as if knowing and yet not knowing where i am walking towards. happy that everyone is happy and that we make each other happy. the title of first felt uncomfortable is morphing to a more comfortable nook, feels like it is mine and i like it. the attention and the slight awkwardness, is part of the happy step. it is a process not flawless, but smoother than most. it is good, and becoming more and more comfortable.
announced engagement during sharing minutes at meditation. moment i said he proposed, all ten people gasped. and congratulated. lady gaga also announced her engagement ring over instagram. that lady pulling forever nemesis move on me, typical. shared the rivalry with him who cursed her out lol.
sitting at starbucks, yielded a table to a group having a meeting. he gift carded me as appreciation. sun has been bright for the past four days. the stranger wrote an article about the exceptional shine. it is glorious and much appreciated.
school schedule fairly manageable, amazing. next quarter has been scheduled in full, excited. mock interview tomorrow at the headquarters. seemingly eventful yet low key in stress. wishing the best for a far cousin interviewing today. again realizing how all shuffles, everyday. realizing my easiness on how i have it. life is a glide.
omg it's march, and the wedding is june, and its march.
last meditation class, with food and crayon drawings. sharing our lives with initially strangers, now, still strangers. crayon drawings turned out rather intriguing. apparently three months can be a while. drawing seemed more about me than the things i do. perhaps the change is in me or it is from the level of comfort and safety of the people. i'm happy. need changes, but happy. as leaving, she gave me a hug and said, "be great."
mistakes of shame, debate of sharing. breathe deep and cry about it .. let it go.
shared with mom and she said all is fine and will be taken care of. do yourself and carry on as in no damage done, no questions asked.
carribean islands were beyond words surreal. the shades of emerald sapphire. the endlessness of continuing waves ranging from inches to miles. the endlessness, the endlessness.
health condition worse than pre-vacation. need management quick.
call grandma daily
call mom wed
call youngsung thurs
call jin mon