일상, 단상/꿈

꿈 methods of aging 스물의 중턱 macro review 행복한 어른

water_ 2014. 8. 28. 05:08

exude of confidence and comfort. practiced movements performed without hesitation. 

everything about them, the colors the material, the posture. the acquired taste, the sleeves and the socks. the faces and physiques. the tone of voice and the seeping atmosphere. 

wife mother
creative director


dedication to excellence
appreciation for community 
pursuit of initiative 

행복한 어른, 내가 바라던 스물의 중턱 모습, 그것과 나의 거리

spiritually; happy very much. the most idea. feel complete and need nothing more. habits of considering stress factors feel rather minor and insignificant. able to 

.sleep; not the best. 
.exercise; need regularity, bike, swim and yoga. 
.want more muscle mass.
.nutrition; doing rather well. 

.daily routine better than ever. always room for improvement but have significantly improved compared to past self. reasonable amount of studying, rest, social engagement, self reflection. area of growth; regularity in sleep and exercise. 


.comfortable with self
.interpersonal communication 
.public communication; growing more comfortable with written publication rather than spoken presentations. would like to extend practices of both. 

socially; returning to student status. preferred, planned investment. 

다름을 터무니 없음인양 취급하는 모습을 보며, 여유가 없음인지 경험의 부재인지, 단순한 순간적 의미없는 감정의 과장된 표현인지, 혹은 의도된 불쾌함의 표현인지. 어찌 되었건 근본적인 이유나 설명도 필요치 않을 뿐더러 궁금치 않음. 다만 나의 모습 또한 닮았는지 걱정. 기억 속의 나 또한 그러하였음을 발견, 부끄러움. 수용의 매력을 몰라서였음을, 여유의 부재였음을. 아쉬움 및 발전을 약속.

나의 말은 어렵다. 감출 이유는, 이타라지만 굳이. 

have a sense of gratitude 


forgive others

accept responsibility for their failures

keep a journal 

want others to succeed

keep a todo list

set goals and develop life plans

continuously learn 

operate from a transformational perspective 

give other people credit for their victories

read evryday

talk about ideas

share information and data

exude joy

embrace change

keep a todo project list



never be governed by fear 

이해되지 않아도 믿음,