일상, 단상/매일 발전 2014

to write for five minutes - transitions and preparation

water_ 2014. 5. 15. 08:19

to write something for five minutes

monday morning passed so quick, too quick almost. work seems bearable than past week with the thought of possible options given to the case. remembering the first attitude and approach to work. recognizing the possibilities of learning and gaining value through experience. 

have been in conversation with mom about possibly visiting california and taking time off late summer. blessed to have such support regardless of my decisions. 

hour seems short but weeks to come seem a bit long. many things to schedule this week for upcoming move and transition. excited to be on own. haven't been without a housemate for almost three years .. being alone seemed less favorable until now, but apparently things have changed. am excited to have a space of own. 

heard back from about an internship program. much excited to be moving forward into a new field of career. concerns are always there but never significant enough to bring forth complaint. nothing to complaint about, adequately comfortable, have been for such the longest time. should and am appreciative of the blessing and protection - from many and all.

greed, letting go of unneeded things.. breathe longer, take time .. emailed mom about current stress factors: phone and interview. 

폰 부주의해서 분실하고 돈 낭비, 시간낭비 할일이 많아도 차근 차근 언제나 침착하게 살자..

바빠도 침착함을 의식하면서 행동하다보면  좋은 습관이 네 몸에 배이겠지..

이번일로 침착함을 배웠다 생각하면 가치가있을듯..

사소한일이라 지나치면 시간지나서 더 큰 화를 부를수도있겠고..

이번 세월호 사건만 보더라도 그래..

우리 각자 침착하게 차분하게 좋은습관을 길들이자..


암튼 인터뷰 차분하게 보면 될듯한데..^^

그런 노력하는 마음이 갸륵하구나..

편히 잘 자구 일어나 또 건강한 하루 감사한 마음.기쁜 마음으로 지내면

하느님에 좋은기운(은총)안에서 모든 일이 잘되리라 믿는다..

오~감사하고 행복한 날이여..

엄마도 한학기 마무리하는 시간이라서 과제물이 2개 해야할일이있네..

마무리하고 제출해야 부담감이 없겠네..

또 연락하고 언능 전화기도 구입하길..

아쉽지만 이만 안녕~^^ 

a privilege to have family so close .. miss home. 아쉽지만 안녕 ..... missing home. so sad sometimes, want to cry. but shall pass. 

행복을 만드는 언어
말이 인간에게 미치는 영향은 얼마나 될까?
언어는 마음과 생각을 변화시킨다.
또한 사람의 육체를 변화시키기도 한다.
행동을 지배하기도 하고 환경과 운명을 결정하기도 하며 자아살ㅇ을 바꾸기도한다.

남병웅 - 건강과 장수의 지혜

to write something for five minutes

apartment, be at one location move to another then to another .. passing time year by year, experiencing best of the worlds. having the opportunity and time to compare, allows greater appreciation and need. satisfactory transition. to a more comfortable location for the spirit. reduce stress factors. might need to clean and discard much .. 

school, preparing self for a new lifestyle. planning and distributing time and energy with balance, not to be haste, minimize mistakes and waste. as mom advised, to be slow and calm. 

the beginner's luck 초심 the alchemist 연금술사. having the readiness and attention level of a learner. not to abuse the luck of the beginner, recognizing that luck stems from self preparation. taking the time to observe others as models of avoidable decisions as well as role models

give space and time. balance. reviewing options with further point in time in mind, 멀리 보고 내리는 결정. recognizing the butterfly effects of the decisions made. keeping focus on love of self and others.

to love and let love. to show and let know - to share. 

reflecting on the week before, disappointment in self for being disorganized, for not allowing enough time to plan. for wasting time and energy, paying for the cost of less efficiency. reflecting on this week - learning from the last. feeling good about having had enough time to proceed each task with 여유. not having to be haste and nor waste. 

"nobody loves you like i do"

sometimes everything seems so sad for no reason. then again at times there are also times of being happy from no particular as well. sometimes balance seems to have been automated. but then again, positivity brings positivity - balance is a product of self induced practice and focus driven direction. remembering importance of paying attention to the happy happenings of the day, of the week, of the year. appreciating the good relationships - relationships which encourage and teach, which help to better me and which allow me to help better them. 

나 하기 나름인 것 인데 - 라며 반성.. when you're like oh please god then he's like nope. 굳이 1으로인한 2가 아니라 2로 인한 3도 1의 몫임을, 나비효과. to be more cautious and sensual, watchful and considerate. observe all on smaller scales. 가까이 자세히 보는 습관이 필요함을 다시 기억, 의식적으로 지내기 매 순간 시간 하루.