[scrap] Einstein and Islam
article from http://alisina.org/einstein-and-islam/
In a debate with a learned mullah from Iran my opponent quoted a passage that he claimed is from Albert Einstein.
“Quran is not a book of algebra or geometry but is a collection of rules which guides human beings to the right way, the way which the greatest philosophers are unable to decline it.”
I made as search and found that this passage is quoted in many Islamic sites. However, the passage is falsely attributed to Einstein. Einstein’s views of God and religion were radically opposed to Islam. In the following passage he explains his beliefs.
“The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive form — this knowledge, this feeling, is at the center of true religiousness, and in this sense only, I belong in the ranks of devoutly religious men. I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after his own — a God, in short, is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear of ridiculous egotism.”
Clearly, Einstein did not believe in a personal god that rewards and punishes, neither he believed in the afterlife. These concepts are fundamental to Islam. Without a personal God and without the Day of Judgment, a lustful paradises and a tormenting hell Islam becomes meaningless.
Islam is entirely based on fear. No other words are repeated more frequently in the Quran than “hell” and “Day of Judgment.” I have debated with thousands of Muslims, some very educated, and some not. The undertone of all these debates was the punishment of God that awaits me. It’s this fear that has paralyzed Muslims and has made them helpless. As long as this fear persists they will not doubt Islam and will not be able to set themselves free.
Einstein believed religion is the product of ignorance and fear. Those comments about Islam are falsely attributed to him. But that does not surprise me. Almost everything Muslims say is a lie. It’s unbelievable that one cannot find a word of truth in this religion.
What surprises me is that this erudit mullah in his previous message to me had posted a long list of all the quotes from several anti-Semites such as Gustav Le Bon and others, to portray that Jews are the most wicked and evil people in the world, utterly dehumanizing them and demonizing them. Le Bon’s theories about race and crowd control greately influenced Hitler in writing his Mein Kampf and it is said the Musolini kept Le Bon’s book by his bedside.
This educated man even believes that Allah transformed the Jews into pigs and monkeys. It’s amazing what Islam does to human brain. And when I tried to prove him wrong, reminding him of all the great things the Jews have done for mankind, he said, aha! Now we know that you are a Jew. Yet among all the people, he picked Albert Einstein, a Jew, to falsely attribute those words of praise about Islam to. If Einstein is racially inferior, as Le Bon says, and as wile as the Quran says, why quote him? If as a Jew he is not worth anything, why should his opinion about Islam matter? The absurdity of the Muslim mind never ceases to amaze me.
To fully comprehend the delusional mind of the Muslims I’d like to inform the reader that the mullahs in Iran claim that Einstein had converted to Shiite Islam. The government controlled site SobheSadegh.ir says that according to an unnamed cleric delivering a sermon at a mosque in Tehran, the nuclear physicist Albert Einstein allegedly converted to Shi’a Islam through the efforts of Grand Ayatollah Boroujerdi, who also had urged Einstein to keep his conversion secret in order not to be assassinated.
However, far from converting to Islam or praising it, as a Jew, Einstein had distinct views on Jesus. Below is a clip of an interview from the Saturday Evening Post, October 26, 1929: “
“To what extent are you influenced by Christianity?
As a child I received instruction both in the Bible and in the Talmud. I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene.
Have you read Emil Ludwig’s book on Jesus?
Emil Ludwig’s Jesus is shallow. Jesus is too colossal for the pen of phrasemongers, however artful. No man can dispose of Christianity with a bon mot [a witty remark].
You accept the historical existence of Jesus?
Unquestionably! No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life.”
These Islamic sites post several quotes from famous personalities such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Gandhi, Leon Tolstoy, Bernard Shaw and others that praise Islam. Quoting the opinions of famous people as the evidence of the truth of a religion is a logical fallacy. Even famous people can be wrong, but the fact that none of these people were scholars of Islam or had read its holy book or its history makes their opinion about Islam worthless. Hitler also praised Islam. Hitler’s opinion is the only one that matters because he understood Islam. Would others have still praised Islam had they known that Muhammad was a raider, a mass murderer, a slave maker and a rapist? These facts have come to the public attention only during the last decade or so. When I started writing about them no one believed me. I sounded like a lunatic to them. It just made no sense that a man literally worshipped by 1.5 billion people could be a despicable criminal. But that is the fact the world must come to terms with and it is coming to term with.
These famous people, who have spoken loftily about Islam, have spoken from the position of ignorance. Praising Islam makes Muslim very happy. Muslims constantly seek approval from people in authority and for the unwary people it seems to be a cheap way to endear themselves with Muslims. Sadly, these approvals compound Muslims’ ignorance and make them more fanatical and as the result more violent. The essence of the message of Muhammad is jihad. If you approve Islam, you validate all its evil teachings including jihad and encourage terrorism. Now that the truth is out, no one should ever praise Islam to appease Muslims. Ignorance is no longer an excuse. Praising Islam is treason to humanity.
Another authority quoted by Muslims is the Russian Novelist Leo Tolstoy. He is claimed to have said, “Quran contains clear realties and tenets and human beings can utilize it generally.” As usual, no reference is given. Assuming these are the words of Tolstoy, he has also thought that Islam has become currupted beyond redemption. He has also praised Bab and Baha-u-llah, the twin founders of the Bahai Faith . These prophets are denounced by Muslims. A few months before his death Tolstoy wrote:
“I have known about the Bábís for a long time, and have always been interested in their teachings. It seems to me that these teachings, as well as all the rationalistic social religious teachings that have arisen lately out of the original teachings of Brahmanism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam distorted by the priests, have a great future for this very reason that these teachings, discarding all these distorting incrustations that cause division, aspire to unite into one common religion of all mankind.
Therefore, the teachings of the Bábís, inasmuch as they have rejected the old Muhammadan superstitions and have not established new superstitions which would divide them from other new superstitions (unfortunately something of the kind is noticed in the exposition of the Teachings of the Báb), and inasmuch as they keep to the principal fundamental ideas of brotherhood, equality and love, have a great future before them.”
Tolstoy mentions the Ahmadiyah movement in Lahor and the Mahdi movement in Sudan and says,
“Both these religious teachings contain nothing new, neither do they have for their principal object a changing of the outlook of the people and thus do not change the relationship between the people, as is the case with Babiism. I therefore sympathize with Babiism with all my heart inasmuch as it teaches people brotherhood and equality and sacrifice of material life for service to God.
The teachings of the Bábís which come to us out of Islam have through Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings been gradually developed and now present us with the highest and purest form of religious teaching.”
So I’d like to ask the Muslims who quote “authorities” to prove Islam is true, why they ignore the same authorities when they praise other faiths, specially the Babi and Baha’i faiths that Muslims regard heretic? If Tolstoy’s opinion about Muhammad is valid, so must be his opinion about Bab and Baha-u-llah.
Relying on “authorities” as evidence of the truth of any proposition is a logical fallacy. It’s called argumentum ad verecundiam. The truth of a religion can be only determined by analyzing its teachings and its author or as Jesus said, by their fruits ye shal recognize them.
When we analyze Islam, we find it to be a religion that promotes hate, spreads through deception, advocates violence, and encourages fighting and bloodshed. When we observe its followers, we see they are backward, violent, ignorant, and uncivilized. These are the bitter fruits of this tree from hell.
Einstein was an atheist Jew and a Zionist. He was everything Muslims hate. Despite that Muslims feel no shame in cashing on his popularity, even through lies. Einstein did not believe in a personal god. His thoughts were diametrically opposed to Islam. He did not convert to Islam and he did not praise it. He had a lot of respect for Jesus, but not for Muhammad. Muhammad deserves no respect. By virtue of how he lived and the legacy of destruction that he left behind he deserves our scorn.