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Shi LaBeouf 귀여운 어두움 - 어리고 아름다운

water_ 2011. 8. 2. 16:37
샤이아 라보프(Shia Shaide La Beouf) / 영화배우
출생 1986년 06월 61일
신체 키179cm

어릴적 Disney Channel 디즈니 채널을 보며 Boy Meets World 에 나오는 Shia LaBeouf 를 종종 보았다. 그는 키도 작고 곱슬머리에 전형적인 미남은 아니였다. 소년의 성장기를 유머롭게 그린 시리즈에 그는 적합한 모습이였다. 언젠가 그가 자라버렸다. 몰랐으나 그의 인터뷰를 보니 그가 연기를 시작한 이유는 돈을 벌기 위한 수단이였다고한다. 트렌스포머의 주인공이 된 것은 그에게 큰 행운이였을 것이다. 하지만 가장 기억에 남는 그의 모습은 디즈니 채널과 New York I Love You 에서의 모습이다. 아아..... new york i love you 에서 그의 모습은 아무리 생각해도 너무나 아름답다......
어리지만 성숙한 눈, 귀엽지만 어두워보이는 이미지가 매력적인 그의 모습 - 전형적이지 않지만 아름다운 모습이 너무 좋다. 우리는 배우의 배우의 모습을 알지만 모든 배우는 또한 사람일 것이고 다를 것이 없을테다. 어렸고, 여전히 어리고, 자신의 행운을 믿고, 노력을 믿는 모습이 좋다 좋다.

"I like Gene Hackman. I like guys who just try to be as good at acting as they can be. The artist’s job is to observe the world. It’s not necessarily to try to nudge it this way or that way.”
“Finance drove my family apart. It may not be the sole reason for the split, but it is the superficial reason. It’s the surface reason that you can point at and go, 'That’s the reason.'"
"I just knew that money was a solution to whatever the hell was going on in my household."
"I feel that the older generation looks at my generation and thinks, 'Go, already! Move! Help fix the world!' Everybody knows the answer, but nobody cares enough for do anything about it."
"I come from a distinguished military family. There are survivors on both sides. There are also drunks and the like on both sides. The truth is nobody really remembers the family’s heroism anymore. Everybody remembers the bad stuff."

"My dad and my mom were both artists who never found an audience for their artwork. And so I lived in poverty. I look back at that stuff and I'm grateful. It's like scars. You become proud of them."
"My generation will actually be the first generation that is tamer than the one that came before it, and it will   probably be poorer; less fun and less money."
“I know I’m one of the luckiest dudes in America right now.”
I know if it all went away, I’d be fine."
"To my mind, talent doesn’t really exist. Talent is like a card player’s luck."
“My humor came from seeing my parents have sex, smoke weed, my mom being naked—just weird hippie stuff, twisted R-rated humor.”
“The good actors are all screwed up. They’re all in pain. It’s a profession of bottom-feeders and heartbroken people.”

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자료출처 http://www.parade.com/celebrity/slideshows/exclusive/shia-labeouf.html?index=9 