sk 가 해킹당하여 만인이 분노하는 가운데, 오랜만에 나의 싸이월드를 찾았다. 분노의 열기가 뜨거워서인지 투데이가 무려 17 ........... 왠 기록 하하. 둘러보는 와중 이전에 쓴 글을 다시 읽자니, 이전에도 느꼈지만 오늘도 느끼는 바는, 아래 글은 몇 번을 읽어도 내 생에 쓴 글 중 가장 만족스러운 글 조각이다. 날짜를 보니 2008년의 글, 내가 졸업하던 해이구나, 3년 전의 단상이다. 창준이를 염두에 두고 쓴 글이다.
이번 주도 창준 이외에는 만난 친구가 없구나. 아 - 수영장에서 우연히 만난 동기 정도?
창준과 시립 수영장에서 수영을 마치고 아빠엄마가 오기를 기다리는 중 - 식혜 한 캔 나누어 마시며 비를 피하고 있다. 창준은 갤럭시로 게임 중, 나는 self entertain 중. 수영은 즐겁다.
faith has never been my greatest strenghts, but i have never once doubted my faith in you. much love and prayers go out to you with every hour of my day. my hopes live on with your existance. there can never be a greater blessing than your being. my only wish is for you to smile without effort throughout your time. myself cannot even understand the level and amount of strength you provide. it's as if your being is my own. understand all standards, but help yourself to only attain the rightful ones. dirty yourself as disgustingly possible so to learn how to clean yourself from the filth. know that only you can bound your possibilities. i pray that your inevitable troubles of life cut you deep as it can because i know you're strong enough to heal from whatever pain may come. i pray that your days are filled with as much sunshine possible because i know you deserve even much more than all the blessings of the stars. recognize that you are we and them and us and all. but also recognize that you are you and no other. may wisdom accompany you through your every highs and lows. the beauty of you now is beyond my explanation, but may you also realize the potentials you must reap. my mornings shine and i owe it all to you. you alone can glister my time. remember that i am and will always be with you. remember that you are in my every thought. i mean every word with only the deepest honesty and sincerity.
this is merely the tip of my heart for language is too slender to describe the whole. love is an understatement, but best of my options. with that said, never forget that you are loved beyond imaginable.